Avízo k webináři v sérii „Regions Cities and Industry“ dne 24. 6. 2020 (pořádá Regional Studies Association)

Dovolujeme si avizovat zajímavý webinář Regional Studies Association pořádáný v rámci série „Regions Cities and Industry“ dne 24. 6. 2020 od 15.00h (středoevropský čas). Webinář se zaměřuje na diskusi o souvislostech geopolitiky v antropocenní a pandemické éře, přičemž rozhovor bude s profesorem Simonem Dalbym (Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada).


Bližší informace k webináři uvádíme níže v anglickém jazyce:

Forthcoming Webinars in the Regions Cities and Industry Series:

Geopolitics in an Anthropocene and Pandemic Era: In conversation with Professor Simon Dalby
24th June 2020, 14:00pm BST, 09:00am EDT


Speaker: Professor Simon Dalby, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Interviewer: Professor Klaus Dodds, Royal Holloway University of London, UK

Over the last 30 years, Professor Simon Dalby has been a pioneer in the field of critical geopolitics and specifically in environmental security and latterly Anthropocene geopolitics. Our conversation is an opportunity to reflect on how his academic and public-facing interests have shifted due to circumstances and events such as the end of the Cold War, the War on Terror, financial crises, and epidemics, including the COVID-19 pandemic. He has not hesitated to critique those who peddle geographical and ecological simplicities. Professor Dalby’s concern with how the geopolitical world of nation states and borders sits awkwardly and violently with planetary boundaries, systems and thresholds remains undimmed. Is he optimistic about our common future?

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