prof. Martin Pelucha

prof. Ing. Martin Pelucha, Ph.D.

Prague University of Economics and Business

Department of Regional Studies, Faculty of Economics

Office: NB 332;  Tel.: +420 224 095 628




Czech version


Area of expertise

Martin Pelucha (*1980) is a professor of economic policy at the Prague University of Economics and Business and an expert in the field of regional and rural development policy evaluation. During his career he has been the coordinator or member of a number of research projects in the field of programme evaluation and evaluation methodology design (for Czech Science Foundation, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, European Commission, Czech Ministry of Regional Development, Czech Ministry of Environment, Regional Authorities of Czech Coal Regions, etc.). Prof. Martin Pelucha is a national ambassador of the RSA – Regional Studies Association in the Czech Republic and a member of the Czech Evaluation Society. His experience and professional knowledge are richly complemented by several internships abroad (Great Britain, Germany, Norway, Kazakhstan).

Within his current scientific work, Prof. Martin Pelucha has long been engaged in the evaluation of public spending programmes financed from national and European sources. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the Prague University of Economics and Business, where he obtained his PhD in 2009 in the field of Regional Studies – Public Administration. In 2015, based on a successful habilitation procedure in the field of regional and administrative sciences, he was appointed associate professor at the Prague University of Economics and Business. In June 2022, Martin Pelucha was appointed professor in the field of economic policy.

His publishing activities focus on regional policy and in particular on the critical analysis of the place of rural development policy in the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (hereafter referred to as the EU CAP). A selection of his publications is listed below on this website. More than 15 papers have been published in journals registered in Web of Science, of which 9 in journals with an above average level of IF in their field (i.e. Q1 and Q2). He is co-author of four monographs related to rural development policy and the conceptualisation of the relevant theoretical paradigms and methodological approaches, with at least 60% of their elaboration. He has also co-authored more than 14 monographs and 3 book publications (university textbooks) in the form of partial thematic chapters. In the past, he has also published 10 peer-reviewed articles registered in the Czech national database of the RVVI. To date, Martin has actively participated in more than 20 international conferences, with contributions published in conference proceedings, 3 of which have been published in proceedings registered in world-renowned databases (Web of Science, Scopus). He has also participated in the preparation of studies and expert analyses prepared for central public administration bodies (see the list of R&D projects below).

Prof. Martin Pelucha also works as a reviewer in some important WoS-registered journals that reach Q1 or Q2, such as Regional Studies, The Social Science Journal, Habitat International, Journal of Rural Studies, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, and the journal Statistics.


Lecturing at the Prague University of Economics and Business

Overview of subjects taught at the VŠE Prague:

  • 5RE916 Regional Economic Analysis and Evaluation (Lecturer; Course guarantor)
  • 55F911 Presentation lecture
  • 55F903 Presentation at the Faculty Doctoral Workshop

Overview of subjects taught at VŠE Prague – Master’s Degree

  • 5RE411 Regional Policy and Regional Structures (Master’s programme, lectures and exercises)
  • 5RE502 Diploma Seminar in Public Administration and Regional Development (Master’s programme, internship, course guarantor)
  • 5RE330 Project Management (Master’s programme, lectures, tutorial)
  • 5RE340 Regional and Urban Policy

Overview of subjects taught at VŠE Prague – Bachelor’s Degree

  • 5RE205 Socio-Economic Geography (undergraduate, lectures and tutorials)
  • 5RE001 Introduction to Regional Studies
  • 5RE302 Undergraduate seminar (practice, course guarantor)

Note: Externally, Martin regularly gives lectures on European integration and the institutional functioning of the EU as part of the initial training of new employees of the City Hall of Prague and employees of the municipal districts of the capital city of Prague. As part of his part-time work at the Faculty of Economics of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, he is also a lecturer in regional economics and regional management at undergraduate and postgraduate level. He also teaches the Regional Management course in English as part of the Regional and European Project Management joint degree programme.



Membership in international/foreign professional societies, editorial boards and organizations:

Regional Studies Association (Great Britain) – national ambassador for the Czech Republic, since 2004 – more information HERE

Membership in domestic professional societies, editorial boards and organizations:

  • Member of the Socio-Economic Committee of the Government Council for Sustainable Development – ​​an advisory and working body composed of experts in the issues of socio-economic development of the Czech Republic (since 11/2014)
  • Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic – Working Group for Rural Areas (from 06/2017)
  • Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, Department of Strategic Development and Coordination of Public Administration – Working group for the availability of public services (from 08/2017)
  • Member of the Advisory board of the web portal „“, whose guarantor is the Department of Humanities of the Faculty of Operational Economics of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague
  • Member of the Czech Evaluation Society (since 01/2017) – (Note: President of ČES in 2019)
  • Expert for the area of ​​“Local economy and entrepreneurship“ within Local Agenda 21 in the Czech Republic Ministry of the Environment (05/2011 – 12/2023).

Membership in scientific boards, branch councils and commissions:

  • Scientific Board of the University of Economics in Prague (from 05/2022)
  • Scientific Board of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Economics in Prague (from 09/2020)
  • Scientific Board of the Faculty of Social Economics of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem (from 09/2021)
  • Scientific Board of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (from 03/2022)
  • Scientific Board of the Faculty of Economics and Administration of the University of Pardubice (from 04/2024)
  • Guarantor and chairman of the branch board of the doctoral study program D-RR Regional development at NF VŠE (from 01/2019)
  • Guarantor and chairman of the branch council of the ongoing doctoral study program Regional studies-public administration (since 01/2016)
  • Member of the branch council of the doctoral study program P0388 Social and regional development at the Faculty of Business Economics of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague
  • Member of the evaluation panel P403 of the Czech Science Foundation (from 04/2021)



  • 2014 – First Certificate in English (FCE), Cambridge English Level B2
  • 2017 – PRINCE2® Foundation Certificate in Project Management, Certificate No. 00376981
  • 2023 – Training of Trainers Certificate: Science4Policy (European Commission, DG – Joint Research Centre)


Recent publications

Papers registered at the Web of Science – Journal Citation Reports:

  • FEURICH, Marek, KOUŘILOVÁ, Jana, PĚLUCHA, Martin, KASABOV, Edward. Bridging the urban-rural digital divide: taxonomy of the best practice and critical reflection of the EU countries‘ approach. European Planning Studies [online]. 2024, roč. 32, č. 3, s. 483–505. eISSN 1469-5944. ISSN 0965-4313. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2023.2186167.
    [IF a AIS 2022: 2.800 | 0.788] [SJR 2022: 1.057]; [FORD-AIS-Q 2022: Q3 (50700)]
  • PĚLUCHA, Martin (65 %), KOUŘILOVÁ, Jana, KASABOV, Edward, FEURICH, Marek. 2021. Expanding the ontological horizons of rural resilience in the applied agricultural research policy: The case of the Czech Republic. Journal of Rural Studies, 82(2021), pp. 340 – 350. (Impact Factor: 3.544, 2019). Ranking (2019) – Q1 Geography (JIF Percentile 86.310), Q1 Regional & Urban Planning (JIF Percentile 83.333). ISSN: 0743-0167
  • KOUŘILOVÁ, Jana, PĚLUCHA, Martin (40 %). Are primary schools a development and stabilisation factor of rural municipalities? A study of the differences in their importance in the Czech suburban, intermediate and peripheral countryside. Eastern European Countryside [online]. 2020, roč. 26, č. 1, s. 201–228. eISSN 2300-8717. ISSN 1232-8855. DOI: 10.12775/eec.2020.008. Available at: [IF a AIS 2019: 0.455 | 0.049] [SJR 2019: 0.241] [FORD-AIS-Q 2019: Q4 (50400)]
  • VEJCHODSKÁ, Eliška, PĚLUCHA, Martin (30 %). Environmental charges as drivers of soil sealing? The case of the Czech charge for agricultural land loss. Land Use Policy [online]. 2019, roč. 87, č. September. 10 s. ISSN 0264-8377. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104071. Available at: [IF a AIS 2019: 3.682 | 0.758] [SJR 2019: 1.479] [FORD-AIS-Q 2019: Q2 (50700)]
  • PĚLUCHA, Martin (40 %), KVĚTOŇ, Viktor, POTLUKA, Oto. Using mixed method approach in measuring effects of training in firms: Case study of the European Social Fund support. Evaluation and Program Planning [online]. 2019, roč. 73, č. April, s. 146–155. ISSN 0149-7189. DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.12.008. Available at: [IF a AIS 2019: 1.519 | 0.384] [SJR 2019: 0.553] [FORD-AIS-Q 2019: Q2 (50900)]
  • PĚLUCHA, Martin (70 %), KVĚTOŇ, Viktor, ŠAFR, Karel. Theory and reality of the EU’s rural development policy application in the context of territorial cohesion perspective – The case of the Czech Republic in the long-term period of 2004-2013. Land Use Policy [online]. 2017, roč. 62, č. March, s. 13–28. ISSN 0264-8377. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.11.036. Available at: [IF a AIS 2017: 3.194 | 0.735] [SJR 2017: 1.348] [FORD-AIS-Q 2017: Q2 (50700)]
  • PĚLUCHA, Martin (85 %), KVĚTOŇ, Viktor. The role of EU rural development policy in the neoproductivist agricultural paradigm. Regional studies [online]. 2017, roč. 51, č. 12, s. 1860–1870. eISSN 1360-0591. ISSN 0034-3404. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2017.1282608. [IF a AIS 2017: 3.147 | 0.952] [SJR 2017: 2.087] [FORD-AIS-Q 2017: Q1 D2 (50700)]
  • KVETON, Viktor, LOUDA, Jiri, SLAVIK, Jan, PELUCHA, Martin (15 %). Contribution of Local Agenda 21 to Practical Implementation of Sustainable Development: The Case of the Czech Republic, European Planning Studies, 2014, roč. 22, č. 3, s. 515-536. ISSN 0965-4313.
    [Impakt faktor 2013: 1.025] [SJR 2010: 0.942]
  • PĚLUCHA, Martin (45 %), KVĚTOŇ, Viktor, JÍLKOVÁ, Jiřina. Territorial dimension of agro-environmental measures and LFA in rural development policy in the Czech Republic. Land Use Policy, 2013, roč. 29, č. 1, s. 91–103. ISSN 0264-8377.
    [Impakt faktor 2013: 3.134] [SJR 2013: 3.443]
  • WOKOUN, René, KOUŘILOVÁ, Jana, PĚLUCHA, Martin (30 %), KVĚTOŇ, Viktor. Prospective Future Trends in Urban-Rural Relationships within Territorial Agenda of the EU: A critical Analysis of Implementation with a Special Focus on the Example of the Czech Republic. European Planning Studies, 2010, roč. 18, č. 11, s. 1881–1896. ISSN 0965-4313.
    [Impakt faktor 2010: 0.645] [SJR 2010: 0.942]
  • SLAVÍKOVÁ, Lenka, PĚLUCHA (40 %), Martin. Regiony – dilema integrace a konkurence. Politická ekonomie, 2009, roč. 57, č. 2, s. 277–278. ISSN 0032-3233. [Impakt faktor 2009: 0.500] [SJR 2009: 0.317]

Papers registered at the Scopus with an index of Scientific Journal Rankings /SJR/

  • SHEMETEV, Aleksandr, PĚLUCHA, Martin (2024). Cultivating Prosperity and Resilience: A Holistic Approach to Societal Progress through Moral-Ethical Growth Indices. DETUROPE – The Central European Journal of Regional Development and Tourism [online]. 2024, roč. 15, č. 3, s. 32–77. eISSN 1821-2506. DOI: 10.32725/det.2023.021.
    [IF a AIS 2022: 1.000 | 0.062] [SJR 2022: 0.249]
  • PĚLUCHA, Martin, NOVÁKOVÁ, Jana, SHEMETEV, Aleksandr, KOUŘILOVÁ, Jana (2023). Contesting the Role of Digitisation and ICT in the Business Model of Agricultural Holdings and Farmers: Micro-Study of the Inner Rural Periphery Region in the Czech Republic. European countryside [online]. 2023, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 99–123. eISSN 1803-8417. DOI: 10.2478/euco-2023-0006.
    [IF a AIS 2022: 1.600 | 0.244] [SJR 2022: 0.371]
  • KOUŘILOVÁ, Jana, ALBERTOVÁ, Denisa, PĚLUCHA, Martin. Demographic and physical aspects of gentrification in relation to resilience of urban localities: Case study of the renovated district in the city of Prague. Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis [online]. 2023, roč. 15, č. 2, s. 239–271. eISSN 2068-9969. ISSN 2067-4082. DOI: 10.37043/JURA.2023.15.2.4. [IF a AIS 2022: 0.700 | 0.095] [SJR 2022: 0.192]
  • SHEMETEV, Aleksandr, PĚLUCHA, Martin. Are pandemics and stay-at-home orders economic factors? An analysis of their impact on employment and consumption in the USA. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia [online]. 2022, roč. 10, č. 3, s. 169–188. eISSN 2353-4435. ISSN 2300-5947. DOI: 10.23762/FSO_VOL10_NO3_9. Available at: [SJR 2022: 0.326]
  • STAVBUNIK, Yelena, PĚLUCHA, Martin (15 %). The Innovation System of Kazakhstan in the Context of the Global Innovation Index. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal [online]. 2019, roč. 24, č. 1, s. 1–24. eISSN 1715-3816. Available at: [SJR 2019: 0.297]
  • PĚLUCHA, Martin. Smart Villages and Investments to Public Services and ICT Infrastructure: Case of the Czech Rural Development Program 2007-2013. European Countryside [online]. 2019, roč. 11, č. 4, s. 584–598. eISSN 1803-8417. DOI: 10.2478/euco-2019-0032. Available at:$002feuco$002f11$002f4$002farticle-p584.xml. [SJR 2019: 0.341]
  • PĚLUCHA, Martin (60 %), KOUŘILOVÁ, Jana, KVĚTOŇ, Viktor. Barriers of Social Entrepreneurship Development – A Case Study of the Czech Republic. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship [online]. 2017, roč. 8, č. 2, s. 129–148. eISSN 1942-0684. ISSN 1942-0676. DOI: 10.1080/19420676.2017.1313303. [SJR 2017: 0.610]
  • KOUŘILOVÁ, Jana, PĚLUCHA, Martin (40 %). Economic and Social Impacts of Promoting Cultural Heritage Protection by the Czech Rural Development Programme 2007-2013. European Countryside [online]. 2017, roč. 9, č. 3, s. 486–503. ISSN 1803-8417. DOI: 10.1515/euco-2017-0029. [SJR 2017: 0.265]
  • Lapka, M., Cudlínová, E., Rikoon, J.S., Pělucha, M. (25 %), Kvetoň, V.: The rural development in the context of agricultural „green“ subsidies: Czech farmers‘ responses. (2011) Agricultural Economics, 57 (6), pp. 259-271. Cited 1 time. DOCUMENT TYPE: Article, SOURCE: Scopus, SJR (2019) = 0.445
  • Cudlinova, E., Pelucha, M. (50 %): A scenario of rural development from the perspective of multifunctional agriculture in the EU: A critical reflection on the Czech Republic. (2009) Geographia Polonica, 82 (2), pp. 57-68. Cited 1 time. DOCUMENT TYPE: Article, SOURCE: Scopus, SJR (2019) = 0.294



  • PĚLUCHA, Martin (60 %), KASABOV, Edward, aj. Rural Development in the Digital Age: Exploring Neo-Productivist EU Rural Policy [online]. 1st Edition. Abingdon: Routledge, 2020. 242 s. Regions and Cities. ISBN 978-0-367-35658-3. eISBN 978-0-429-34098-7. DOI: 10.4324/9780429340987. Available at: (Další autoři: WOKOUN, René, KOUŘILOVÁ, Jana).
  • PĚLUCHA, Martin (85 %), KVĚTOŇ, Viktor. Neoproduktivismus jako nové teoreticko-metodologické paradigma politiky rozvoje venkova EU (Title translation: Neoproductivism as a new theoretical and methodological paradigm of EU rural development policy). 1. vyd. Praha: Národohospodářský ústav Josefa Hlávky, 2016. 173 s. ISBN 978-80-88018-09-4. Studie Národohospodářského ústavu Josefa Hlávky 4/2016.
  • PĚLUCHA, Martin (60 %), aj. Venkov na prahu 21. století (Title translation: The countryside on the threshold of the 21st century). 1. vyd. Praha: Alfa Nakladatelství, 2012. 319 s. ISBN 978-80-87197-49-3. (Other authors: JAKOBE, Petr, KOUŘILOVÁ, Jana, KVĚTOŇ, Viktor, MAŘÍKOVÁ, Pavla, ŘÍHOVÁ, Gabriela, SHUTT, John, SILOVSKÁ, Hana, VYSKOČIL, Vlastimil Karel, WOKOUN, René).
  • PĚLUCHA, Martin (60 %), aj. Rozvoj venkova v programovacím období 2007-2013 v kontextu reforem SZP EU (Title translation: Rural development in the 2007-2013 programming period in the context of EU CAP reforms). 1. vyd. Praha: IREAS, 2006. 162 s. ISBN 80-86684-42-3.


Chapters in books (selection):

  • DVOŘÁK, Vojtěch, FANTA, Petr, KUBÍKOVÁ, Martina, KOUŘILOVÁ, Jana, PĚLUCHA, Martin (2024). Lost Millennials in a Regional Context: Case Study of the Czech Republic. In: BAIKADY, Rajendra, SAJID, S. M., PRZEPERSKI, Jaroslaw, NADESAN, Varoshini, ISLAM, M. Rezaul, GAO, Jianguo. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems [online]. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, s. 1–28. 1900 s. ISBN 978-3-030-68127-2. eISBN 978-3-030-68127-2. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-68127-2_426-1.
  • PELUCHA, M., KOURILOVA, J. (2023). Regional and Project Management in the Context of Shaping Sustainable Urban Futures: Theoretical and Practical Context of the EU Programming Period 2021–2027 in the Czech Republic. In: Allam, Z. (eds) Sustainable Urban Transitions. Urban Sustainability. Springer, Singapore.
  • PĚLUCHA, Martin (2016). Theory and Reality of Rural and Urban Perspectives in the Context of Territorial Cohesion and Regional Development in the Czech Republic. In: FLETCHER, Vivian. Urban and Rural Developments – Perspectives, Strategies and Challenges. New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2016, s. 17–38. 187 s. ISBN 978-1-63485-083-4. Pozn.: Registered at Scopus. DOCUMENT TYPE: Book Chapter, SOURCE: Scopus
  • SHUTT, John, KOUTSOUKOS, Stratis, PĚLUCHA, Martin (30 %). The Czech Republic’s Structural Funds 2007 – 2013: Critical Issues for Regional Regeneration. In: DIAMOND, John, LIDDLE, Joyce, SOUTHERN, Alan, OSEI, Philip. Urban Regeneration Management. New York: Routledge, 2010, s. 190–204. 310 s. ISBN 978-0-415-45193-2. Pozn.: Registered at SCOPUS. DOCUMENT TYPE: Book Chapter, SOURCE: Scopus
  • PĚLUCHA, Martin. EAFRD jako nový prvek zemědělské politiky a rozvoje venkova (Title translation: EAFRD as a new element of agricultural policy and rural development). In: MACHÁLEK, Emil, PĚLUCHA, Martin, aj. České zemědělství v podmínkách reformy SZP a nástroje k její realizaci: cross compliance, zvyšování konkurenceschopnosti (Program rozvoje venkova, VaV). Praha: IREAS, 2008, s. 29–39. 84 s. ISBN 978-80-86684-52-9.



Research projects funded by external sources at the Prague University of Economics and Business:

  • Team leader of the contract project “Support to the Implementation of the Just Transition in the Czech Republic”. RFS ID: REFORM/SC2022/116; Framework Contract Procedure: REFORM/2021/OP/0006 Lot 1. Contractor: Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (as part of the AARC Consortium). In the Czech Republic, the project partners are the Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Technical University of Technology and BeePartner (11/2022 – 08/2024).
  • Project Title: „Rural Resilience in the Context of Urban-Rural Digital Divide Trends“. Principal investigator: Prof. Martin Pělucha, Ph.D. (01/2020 – 12/2022); The research project is financed by GAČR – Czech Science Foundation – registration number 20-17810S.
  • Project manager for the Prague University of Economics and Business – partner of networking project funded by Visegrad Fund. Project title: “V4 Network on Entrepreneurship”. The Department of Regional Studies was one of the project partners.  Prague University of Economics and Business. (01/2019 – 03/2020).
  • GAČR – Title: Theoretical and methodological perspectives of the neo-productivist EU rural development policy. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. Responsible researcher Assoc. Ing. Martin Pělucha, Ph.D. (GAČR, project period 2017 – 2018).
  • Title: „Round Tables in the framework of the National Convention on EU VI“, in particular the provision of a round table on the sub-theme „Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy“. Responsible researcher Assoc. Ing. Martin Pělucha, Ph.D. (Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, implementation period 09/2018).
  • Individual grant, title: Neoproductivism as a new theoretical-methodological paradigm of EU rural development policy; National Economic Institute of Josef Hlávka, project period 2015 – 2016.
  • TD010083 Evaluation of support to enterprises in the Czech Republic using the CIE comparative method. Provider: TA0 – Technological Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR), Main beneficiary: University of Economics in Prague / Faculty of Economics, Project implementation period: 2012-2013.
  • TD010076 Optimisation of the system of investment incentives to increase the competitiveness of the Czech Republic and its regions. Provider: TA0 – Technological Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR), Main beneficiary: University of Economics in Prague / Faculty of Economics, Project implementation period: 2012-2013.
  • MEB0810149 The Impact of EU Cohesion Policy in the Visegrad Four Countries: Challenges for the Future. Provider: MSM – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT), Main beneficiary: University of Economics in Prague / Faculty of Economics, Project implementation period: 2010-2011.
  • GA402/09/0248, Theoretical analysis of interdependencies between environmental policy, regional policy and territorial development policy. Responsible scientist: Ing. Alena Hadrabová, CSc., Provider: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Economics in Prague / Faculty of Economics, Project period 2009-2010
  • Member of the KREG research team within the scientific project „Regional Policy Instruments of the European Union and their Application in the Czech Republic“, GA CR, principal investigator prof. RNDr. René Wokoun, CSc., reg. no. 402/03/1306 (2009 – 2011)
  • Member of the research team of the project „Analysis of the proposed amendment to the Act on Investment Incentives“, MPO CR project (2011)
  • Member of the research team for the project „Evaluation of support for industrial zones“ within the MIT CR project (2010)
  • Coordinator of the research project „Analysis and Evaluation of the Issue of Urban-Rural Relations after the Implementation of the First Action Plan for the Implementation of the EU Territorial Agenda“, Ministry of Regional Development (08/2008 – 03/2009)
  • Member of the SRSV (university research unit) research project entitled „Analysis of the performance of state administration and self-government at the ÚSC“, expert guarantee of the part of the analysis concerning the evaluation of the justification of the selective approach in the budgetary determination of taxes in the Holy Cities of Prague, Pilsen, Ostrava and Brno; the project was financed by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, the main researcher doc. Ing. Petr Toth, Ph.D. (03/2008 – 02/2009)
  • Member of the expert team of the SRSV, „Strategic Partnership for the Balance of the Regional Development Programme of the South Bohemian Region“ from 2001 (hereafter PRK 2001) and for the preparation, implementation and balance of the Regional Development Programme for the period 2007-2013, in the area of rural development and agriculture (08/2006 – 12/2013)
  • Member of the SRSV expert team, ex-ante evaluation of the „Development Strategy of the Hradec Králové Region 2006 – 2015“, focus on rural development and agriculture (07/2006 – 10/2006)
  • Member of the consortium team (VŠE, VŠB-TU, KPMG, Mepco) preparing „The Update of the National Development Plan for the period 2007 – 2013“, which became the starting document for the National Strategic Reference Framework. Elaboration of the section „Links to rural development“ and „Innovation and knowledge economy“ (06/2005 – 10/2005)
    Member of the KREG research team of the scientific project „Management of regional development at the level of regions and municipalities with extended scope“, MMR departmental research, solved by prof. RNDr. René Wokoun, CSc., reg. no. 31/04 (2004 – 2006)


My favourite hobbies are cycling, swimming, gardening and long walks with my dog Arnie   🙂